Share Trade Value (RM) 16,151,865: Share VWAP (RM) 0.105: 4 Weeks Price Range: 0.080 - 0.115: 4 Weeks Share Change (%) +23.53: Share Avg Volume (4 Weeks) 1,547,540 Published Date: Jun 04, 2019, Author: Tan KW, Title: 掌握基建公用事业资产‧MMC机构稳守龙头地位 5. KLSE facing downtrend or correction. Well, if want to list down all the risks, they are too much to go. But let's look at property sector, after some many negative news, those undervalue counters still went up steadily. Published Date: Feb 03, 2018, Author: Tan KW, Title: [转贴] 大马40大富豪财富增636亿‧郭鹤年稳坐榜首
20 March - The CPI rose 3.7% in February 2009 y-o-y due to sharp increases in food and non-alcoholic beverages. - Vehicles sales fell 3% in February or by 1,126 units to 36,675 from January as consumers' confidence was weighed down by uncertainties
英汉证券期货及财务用语汇编 - MBA智库文档 2010-7-31 · MBA智库文档,专业的管理资源分享平台。分享管理资源,传递管理智慧。 英汉证券期货及财务用语汇编 .pdf James的股票投资James Share Investing - 浅谈V.S … 浅谈V.S Industry bhd (VS)-----James Ng Stock Pick Performance: Since Recommended Return: a) FRONTKN (FRONTKEN CORP BHD), recommended on 12 Aug 18, initial price was RM0.715, rose to RM1.35 (dividend RM0.015) in 10 months 14 DRB-HICOM Berhad DRB-HICOM University of Automotive Malaysia (DRB-HICOM U) Akademi Saga; Properties; Group of Companies. Automotive. Automotive Distribution; Manufacturing & Engineering; Defence; Services. Services; Education; Properties; Investors. Financial Highlights; Quarterly Results Announcement. Financial Report; Presentation Deck; AGM2020 (Coming Soon I refers to Order entry forbidden; A refers to Order entry authorized; G refers to Frozen; S refers to Suspended; R refers to Reserved; s refers to Short selling available [x] refers to Exclude dividend [c] refers to Cum dividend [Space] refers to instrument open, or not provided [S] refers to Shariah Compliant stocks LACP refers to closing price from the previous trading day with the
从2013年发布的LRT3 近期也陆续办法各项最后阶段的配套。总值90亿令吉工程的LRT 3一共设有26个分站,长达37KM。此LRT3将从目前MRT的Bandar Utama分站往Klang方向延展至靠近GM Klang批发市场的Johan Setia。预计2020年8月可完工。 以下为近期(2017年10月)获LRT3工程配套的"得奖者"(排名不分先后) 得奖者-SUNCON(5263
5. KLSE facing downtrend or correction. Well, if want to list down all the risks, they are too much to go. But let's look at property sector, after some many negative news, those undervalue counters still went up steadily. Published Date: Feb 03, 2018, Author: Tan KW, Title: [转贴] 大马40大富豪财富增636亿‧郭鹤年稳坐榜首 Published Date: Aug 04, 2017, Author: Tan KW, Title: [转贴] 国投转为整顿非核心公司.银行、物流、保险或有大动作 .《弘历》软件红圈买入讯号在5月6日出现,当天股价掛0.10。 .主力资金是在5月10日进场,当天股价掛0.11。 .主力资金在5月15日明显进场,几乎佔了市场的一半,当天股价掛0.12。 .目前主力资金仍在,因此,应有机会飙升。 (吉隆坡 5 日讯)亚洲航空( AIRASIA , 5099 ,主板贸服股)不排除在东盟区域內,缔结其他联营合作的可能性。 根据《马新社》引述亚洲航空集团首席执行员丹斯里东尼费南德斯的报导指出,新联营活动一直都在考虑范围內。 目前,亚洲航空在东盟已有数项联营合作 果然不出所料,当联邦能源部长麦西慕说沙电(SESB)连年亏损,甚至濒临破产边缘的时候,他就在预告大家,是时候本州电费起价了。 昨天,他特别飞来本州公告州民一则好消息,那就是:本州电费保持不变,直至明年6月30日。 好消息就是坏消息,他其实要告诉你的是坏消息,那就是:本州电 来自本州的首相署EPU部长阿都拉曼达兰说,1MDB和IPIC的和解协议证明了1MDB的资金没有流入纳吉首相的口袋,因为1MDB在邻国新加坡的"单位"的确存在,如今将套现还给IPIC。 他也是国阵策略宣传主任。 他说,可见纳吉户口里的钱的确如沙地外长说的是来自沙地皇室成员的
【交易前瞻】原油价格强势反弹提振 美股盘前上涨, 【交易前瞻】原油价格强势反弹提振 美股盘前上涨 【盘前异动股票】 【盘前重点关注】 【其他个股新闻】 【机构研究报告】 金融界美股讯:北京时间4月6日晚间消息,因市场投资者风险偏好转强,东南亚股市周三均收涨。
Stock: DRBHCOM (1619), Company: DRB-HICOM BHD, Description: DRB-Hicom is a Malaysian conglomerate. The company organises itself into three segments: automotive, services and education, and property, asset, and construction. The automotive segment contributes the vast majority of company revenue, and includes the production and distribution of passenger vehicles, motorcycles, commercial and Stock: TOPGLOV (7113), Company: TOP GLOVE CORP BHD, Description: Top Glove Corp Bhd manufactures and sells gloves through several product lines to a diverse group of global customers. Some of the different glove options include latex, nitrile, vinyl, and surgical. Top Glove's products are utilized in an array of end markets such as aerospace, food, beauty, medical, and home care. cmmt (5180.KLSE) Quarter Report - investfuture @ 12:46 Khazanah raises RM735.7 million from Telekom Malaysia share placement - savemalaysia @ 12:22 PLUS introduces Putri, its first AI chatbot to deal with services feedback - savemalaysia @ 12:22 Subscribe to our RSS feeds and get the latest Bursa Malaysia news delivered directly to your desktop. Click on the orange RSS button to go to the Subscribe page.
浅谈近期股价暴跌的Inari 上周1月3日苹果首席执行员蒂姆库克在致股东信写道,因销售表现不如预期,尤其是受到中国市场低迷的影响,因此把他们首个财政季度 (2018年10月至12月) 的营收由早前预测的890亿美元下调至840亿美元,降幅为5.6%。
~長线好股3204 GKENT RM1.12 gkent在20天平均价RM1.11附近可買入了。 ~估计gkent 2019全年可派送5至5.5仙股息, 现股价RN1.11计,周息率达到4.5至4.9%。 ~公司于2019年4底现金有2.65亿, 借债为6298万。 ~未入 目前股价:RM0.925 目标价:RM1.40 单季EPS:RM0.029 把单季净利年度化:RM0.116 本益比:8 派息率:50%以上 股息率:3.8% 【利好】 1)公司派息率这几年都超过50% 2)公司刚买的Instyle沙发厂会在下季开始入账 3)去年同期单季EPS为1.59,随美金高涨,今年单季EPS为2.9成长 研究所2年內內,要如何存到100萬?陳怡彣:「年輕時,別對自己太好!」